Who Else Wants To Accomplish
More Goals, Gain More Energy, And
Blast Through Obstacles
Like A House Of Cards... Simply
By Mastering Your Mind?
Discover The 'Secret Sauce' That Will
Supercharge Everything In Your Life And Change
Your Destiny At Will Simply By Applying This
Simple 'I Can' Principle And Attract Virtually
Anything You Want In Life!
The Desktop Of Carolyn Hansen
Self Improvement Enthusiast,
Right now, I am going to share
with you something that will blow your mind:
"At any
one time, the decisions you make will change the rest of your life
That is how powerful
your thoughts are – you have the ability to change the rest of your
life just by thinking certain thoughts.
Unfortunately, most
people simply do not know how to harness their mind at all.
Like an out of
control wild stallion, people do not know how to tame the power of the
mind and it winds up flipping them around like a roller
coaster and they wind up thinking and attracting all the stuff they
don’t want.
Instead of
manifesting their dreams, their minds become a breeding ground of
negativity and nightmares.
But there is always
a better way than getting stuck in this rut, right?
In fact here’s a
true story about how someone went from literally nothing to
someone that triumphed against all odds simply because he believed that
he could…
Paralyzed To Powerful…
Have you heard of
Bill Bartmann?
His company was
named in “Inc. 500”… again! This is the fifth time
this ultra successful mogul has made the list.
But most people
wouldn’t imagine that this mogul used to be a high school dropout and
an alcoholic who had tripped down a flight of stairs when he was drunk.
He got paralyzed and
the doctors almost wiped out his future by telling him that he would
never walk again – cut down at the ripe young age of 17.
Can you imagine if
you were told that you would not be able to walk again at that age? Can
you imagine the trauma a young 17 year old with his whole life ahead of
him would feel?
despair would probably eat most teenagers alive.
But he wouldn’t have
it – he made up his mind from the start that he would DEFY his destiny.
He refused to resign to living the rest of his life in and out of a
wheelchair and he did what most people would never do.
As he sat in his
hospital bed, he willed himself into moving his toe.
He spent days, weeks
just trying… to move ONE toe.
And it took him a
lot of effort just to do it, and eventually he made it!
Since that miracle,
he spent every single night in the hospital engaging in a regimen of
intense physical activity which was equivalent to an Olympic level
workout for his condition.
He finally regained
the use of his legs by sheer willpower and the belief that he could do
it against all odds.
You Know That You Have That Same Power
Within You To Create Extraordinary
Results In Your Life?
going to be very honest with you here…
You have the same ability within you – to manifest anything you want
and it would be such a terrible shame to let it go to waste.
You have the power within you to:
believe that you have all the power within you and I’m going to show
you how to harness this power right now!
Should You Listen To What I Have To Say?
My name is Carolyn
Hansen and I am fitness expert, serial entrepreneur as well as a
personal development enthusiast.
I used to be in your
I had trouble
manifesting my dream life not because I wasn’t working hard, but I was
doing it all wrong.
After much trial and
error, I learned a very important lesson:
Creating your
ultimate destiny and living the life of your dreams is not a skill
reserved for a select few.
Everyone has the
same energy system available to them – that’s why it is not about
working ‘harder’ but accessing this power in a smarter, more efficient
That is why I’ve
created this course just for you.
This course will help
you discover how to access your energy and become the creator of your
own reality.
Can, Therefore I Will’
Complete Course On Creating Your Ultimate Manifesting Your Destiny!
In this never before
released course, I will take you by the hand and show you how you can
sculpt your ultimate destiny by harnessing the most powerful tool in
your arsenal – your mind.
course consists of 8 components:
As you devour the
content here, it will reveal the secrets behind creating your dream
Let's look in detail
at what you will find within these course materials:
Definitive Guide Of ‘I Can. Therefore, I Will’
is the essential guide book to ‘I Can. Therefore, I Will’. In this
course, you will unlock the most important tools behind your mind and
discover how powerful it truly is. Learn how to make your mind work for
you rather than against you when it comes to manifesting your dreams.
Learn how your energy, your health, your personal power and goal
setting are all intertwined in it’s power.
what you'll discover in the main course:
How To Get Started (Page 10)
- Everyone knows that taking the first step is usually the hardest step
in any form of personal change. You will learn how to kick start your
engine and learn the art of changing with 'ease' rather than with brute
force which does not work.
Increase Your Awareness For
What Is Possible (Pages 14 - 15) - Many people tend to
live their lives on 'autopilot' making choices and decisions based on
circumstances and impulse. Learn how to take full control of your every
thought so you can turn the impossible into 'I-M-Possible'!
Harness The Power Of
Positive Thinking (Pages 20 - 22) - If you are
constantly feeding your mind with negative thoughts, it's a sure fire
way to know that you are not getting what you want but what you don't
want in life. This will help you to turn the tides in your favor.
Easily Take Control Of Your
Emotions (Page 25) - Do you feel trapped by your
emotions? Have no fear because this technique will teach you how to
'switch on' the right emotions and 'switch off' the wrong emotions and
take full control of them.
Talk Your Way Into
Abundance! (Pages 30 - 36) -
If you feel that your
negative self talk is getting you down, then don't worry
because here, you will have the exact tips on how you can
your speech
patterns and talk your way into abundance. The Best Way To Take Action
(Pages 41 - 43) - Everyone knows that taking action is
important but sometimes it is too hard to get started... read these
pages and learn the right way to jump up and take action right away!
Train Yourself Physically,
Mentally And Emotionally (Pages 44 - 47) - Learn why
living a balanced 'fitness' routine for every area of your being is
truly essential for you to get what you want in life and blast through
all obstacles.
Reprogram Your Mind (Page
49) - Learn how to change the way you think by using
_________ the right way...
The Power Of Supportive
Beliefs (Page 53) - Have you mastered the art of
choosing your reality? This will help you to manifest your dream life
on autopilot...
Gain Unlimited Energy (Page
61) - Discover why you say or do something and how it
impacts with the universe and what you create from it.
And many more!
Goal Setting Work Book
goal setting workbook is very important because we will break down the
most difficult parts about goal setting into easy baby steps. It will
keep you accountable to your word and help you to internalize daily
action habits so that your habits will become a permanent part of your
what you'll discover in this workbook:
Exercises on what you did
great last year and how to propel this year
Set an intention to
increase your focus on certain areas of attention
Resolve to change certain
bad habits and take on good ones
Set definite goals and
propel your success Harness the power of
How to set goals from your
heart so you will succeed at all costs
How to break them all down
into baby steps so everything is achievable
And more...
Audio Components Of The Product Series
Based on the work of
Carolyn Hansen, Dr. Patrick Porter (PhD) has designed a Brainwave
Entrainment (BWE) series that will help you to super-charge the core
message in 'I Can, Therefore I Will'.
These sessions are
designed to train the subconscious to work in harmony with your
conscious mind as you read through and practice the core message in
this course.
Below, you will find
in detail what each audio CD will teach you:
Audio 1: Building
Your New Thought Generator MP3 Audio New thoughts lead to
new actions. In this program Dr. Porter will help you through the
science of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to use your most powerful
asset, “Your Mind.”. As you learn that thoughts are more powerful than
things and thoughts create things you will begin to think beyond the
in new and better ways that will help you create the life you really
want. |
Audio 2: Beyond
Positive Thinking MP3 Audio
 In Dr. Porter’s
27 years of helping people he has seen the 'flaws' of positive thinking
alone and how it actually prevents people from taking action. With this
work Carolyn has distilled down the secrets to moving beyond positive
thinking into a world of infinite possibilities where your
other-than-conscious can take over and put your success on autopilot.
Audio 3: Change
Your Inner Self Talk – Change Your Life MP3 Audio
 We have
conversations within ourselves. Is yours supportive and positive or
demotivating and negative? Self-talk is the lubrication to action. With
the right inner talk powerful action can take place. In this
program Dr. Porter guides you through Carolyn’s breakthrough exercises
that will having you making your positive change in days instead of
months. |
Audio 4: Taking
the 1st Step to Your – 'I Can' Action Plan MP3 Audio
 All behaviors
useful in the right context. The problem is if the subconscious is left
up to its programming, it will continue to give you what you have
already got. Dr. Porter will teach you how to transform negative
behaviors into positive patterns of improvement. Imagine your life when
procrastination leads to motivation and when fear transforms into
personal power. |
Audio 5: Creating
Your 'I Can' – Challenge Breakthroughs MP3 Audio
years of research she has noticed that there is a strong desire for a
challenge. With this program Dr. Porter will show you why it is
important to face these challenges and plan for success instead of
counting on failure. Today is the day you choose to succeed knowing
that how you do the smallest of things you do the big things. |
Audio 6: Living
The Dream...Infinite – Possibilities & Opportunities MP3 Audio
 Reading and
assimilating the wisdom found in the “I Can. Therefore I Will” is the
first step. With this breakthrough session you will employ your access
to an infinite mind. Dr. Porter will teach you the time tested
used by the world's greatest inventors to awaken their genius in their
dreams. As you harness the power of your dreams you will achieve the
seemly impossible by accessing your inventive mind through the use of
neuro-sensory algorithms to awaken your dreams. |
I have learnt so much from this book, it was a tremendous eye-opener for me because it showed me how to be honest with myself and how to live life to my fullest potential. I'm really excited and feel like I can take on the world now. LOL. Many of the issues you wrote about totally mirrors my life. And I thought that was amazing! This is probably the first time that I have ever experienced anything that has helped me overcome my procrastination habits in a real and tangible way.
- Nancy Newman – age 29
"I Can. Therefore, I Will", is dynamite! From first page to last, it went above and beyond what I had expected. To be honest, I thought it was going to be another compilation of positive-thinking hash. This book is completely different! You've got to read it for yourself to see what I mean. I feel she has deposited something very meaningful in me through the pages of this book.
- Shannon Bonner – age 44
Congratulations on your new book! We have copies of your other books too, including "Weight Loss Motivation Bible". I can't begin to tell you how much you have already helped us to improve our life. Last year we lost over 15 pounds between us, thanks to your easy weight loss guides. I can't wait to get started on, "I Can. Therefore I Will". It sounds like explosive stuff!
- John and Paula - ages 48 - 50
Your book is brilliant. Surely worth its weight in gold! It's so perceptive that everything you say makes absolutely perfect sense. It's focused to help people like me overcome low self-esteem, unproductive habits and irrational fears. Thank you for inspiring me to get on the right track and a new mindset to achieve my goals and enjoy new successes.
- Amy Mayers – age 32
I love your book! I especially liked Chapter 7. Your book doesn't just give a bunch of ambiguous answers to some vague questions. It really delivers! Thanks so much for this genius piece of work!
- Ian Strand - age 53
I separated from my husband of 8 years in November last year. I had felt then as if my whole world had come crumbling down. I cried when I read your book. It's both inspiring and powerful! You've showed me that I have so much to live for and so much to look forward to. You've helped make me stronger. I only wish I had found your book sooner.
- Stephanie Cormier – age 35
You Ready To Access Your Inner Power And Create Your Dream Life?
If you are feeling
overwhelmed by this realization of your inner power, don’t worry – I
know exactly how you feel when I first realized this power within
Therefore, I would
love to share with you a modified quote inspired by a powerful
spiritual activist and expert – Marianne Williamson.

deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we
are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be
brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to
be? We were born to make and manifest the glory of the infinite
that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously
give other people permission to do the same.”
All I can say is most
people tend to fear success more than failure.
They are afraid of
the responsibility they have to bear if they actually succeed.
The fear that:
You will actually be responsible for
having millions of dollars in your bank account to manage
You will be surrounded by positive,
encouraging friends that will help you to get to the next level
(whether you like it or not…)
You will have to be with the love of your
life – a person who loves you and cherishes you
You will have tremendous confidence in
your life to do anything you want without fear
You will be living your dream
lifestyle and really, truly be happy
If this dream scares
you, then you DO feel the prompting from the universe or from your
higher self.
Then I strongly
encourage you to take the next step and go all the way with this.
Don’t hold back and
let your light shine!
best of all, I will completely eliminate all risk from the equation:
The last thing I can
say is this and this is a quote from the popular movie – ‘The Matrix’:
I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you
the door. You're the one that has to walk
through it.
Just $37 $17
So don’t hesitate
and walk through the door now by grabbing a copy of this course!
To your
Carolyn Hansen
P.S. Your life
begins right now. Remember that at any one time, the decisions you make
will change the rest of your life forever and you’ll only know for sure
once you invest in this course
P.P.S. You are
protected by my 100% money back guarantee so don’t worry about the
risk. It’s all taken care of.
© Copyright 2017 Carolyn Hansen. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.